Introduction: Blended & Beyond Volume 6

The creators comprising Blended & Beyond Volume 6 introduce us to a cast of makers. Their tenacity, yes, but even more the philosophy and existentialism that propels the act of building something that matters. The absolute roots and nutrition of it. There is humor here. There is sadness. The art of the art and the micro of the macro.

In these most difficult of times, I think about love. I think about an infinite well of love (we have it) from which I can nourish all people, all animals, the oceans and every tree. I wake up to a new day’s stories, poetry, and art and it charges all that love with a propulsion that paws at the ground to take off across the universe. It is reaching you right now, reader. You are loved and needed; you deserve to hear it. Hear it from me. Feel it reaching you in these blended & beyond gifts we’ve received from Gayle Brandeis, Ann Gelder, and Matthew Bala. Thank you, our dear readers, for stopping by to receive them.

Bradley David, Senior Editor, Blended & Beyond

Contents, Blended & Beyond Volume 6:

I’m the Guy by Gayle Brandeis

Ship in a Bottle by Ann Gelder

Dusty Plains by Matthew Bala

Bradley David’s poetry, fiction, essays, and beyond-genre pieces appear in Terrain, Allium, Rougarou, Fatal FlawAlways CrashingAnti-Heroin ChicIdentity Theory, and numerous others. His creative nonfiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

Selected work at On Twitter @strangecamera and Instagram @mystrangecamera

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