New Flash Editors!

We’re very excited about our new team of flash fiction editors, Kristin Bonilla, Ingrid Jendrzejewski, Becca Borawski Jenkins, and Jolene McIlwain. Not only do they boast an impressive resume of flash publications at some of the most prestigious journals, they’re also super nice! Oh and they’re looking forward to reading your work. You can send it to them here.

Kristin Bonilla is a fiction writer from northern California. Her work has appeared in NPR: Three Minute Fiction, NANO Fiction, Smokelong Quarterly, online at Gulf Coast Magazine, and elsewhere. She is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley and currently lives in Houston. Follow her @kbonilla.


Ingrid Jendrzejewski grew up in Vincennes, Indiana, studied creative writing at the University of Evansville, then physics at the University of Cambridge. She started writing flash fiction in 2014 and has since found homes for around 75 of her pieces in places like Passages North, The Los Angeles Review, The Conium Review, Jellyfish Review, and Flash Frontier. She has won twelve flash fiction competitions, including the Bath Flash Fiction Award and the A Room of Her Own Foundation’s Orlando Prize for Flash Fiction, and her short collection Things I Dream About When I’m Not Sleeping was a runner up for BFFA’s first Novella-in-Flash competition. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Vestal Review’s VERA Award, and twice for Best Small Fictions. When not writing, Ingrid enjoys cryptic crosswords, the python programming language and the game of Go. Links to Ingrid’s work can be found at and she occasionally tweets @LunchOnTuesday.


Becca Borawski Jenkins holds an MFA in Cinema-Television Production from USC. By day, she is a managing editor of online health and fitness publications. By night, she is a writer of flash fiction, short stories, and two unpublished novels. She has short stories appearing or forthcoming in Menacing Hedge, concis, The Forge, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Jersey Devil Press, and Corium. She and her husband live half the year in the Idaho Panhandle in an off-grid cabin they built by hand. The other half of the year they roam the country in their RV in search of mushrooms, clams, gold, and fish.


Jolene McIlwain’s writing appears in Prairie Schooner online, River Teeth online, The Fourth River, and elsewhere and has been twice selected finalist in Glimmer Train‘s contests. She’s the recipient of an artist grant from the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council and has received a Pushcart Nomination for her fiction. She is currently at work on a collection of short fiction and novel set in the hills of the Appalachian plateau of western Pennsylvania. She lives with her husband and son north of Pittsburgh and teaches literary theory and composition part-time at Duquesne and Chatham universities. You can read her tweets about books, gardens, and a little bit of motocross at @jolene_mcilwain.

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