The moon turns on the night to save us from the sun
The moon turns on the night Thus irresistible
The moon turns on the night like a dime
The moon turns on the night like a rival
The moon turns on the night as her marvel


Last month the groundhog did not see its shadow, which means it’s time for a revolution.

On March 19/20th, that will sound like the moon telling us it’s time for spring. In Modern English she’ll be singing, “I’ll stop the world and melt with you.” Thank the heavens for her infallible promise.

April 1st might be a fool to the let the moon slip through, because on April 8th she’ll be doing her best to smother the sun. But if Baily’s Beads pop off its necklace, remember they can only be caught by former presidents. Wear rose-tinted glasses, for this image will singe your retinas.

The five pieces selected for Blended & Beyond Volume 5 each contain at least one of the following words: ‘sun,’ ‘moon,’ ‘space,’ ‘night’, and ‘dream.’ Call that an accident or call it the universe, but do call ’em when you spot ’em.

Like Highlights’ Hidden Pictures, perhaps you’ll also spot: “ice-blue fluff,” “over-ripe milk,” “a sampled collapse,” “little tin hands,” and “bat shit crazy.”

Think of us when you’re looking up. We’re grateful you’re out there,

Bradley David and the editors at jmww.

Bradley David, Senior Editor, Blended & Beyond

Contents, Blended & Beyond Volume 5:

The Vitruvian Man by Diane Wald

Beyond Bog Talk by Benjamin Niespodziany

Faltering as September Broods, Enough, Moons by Mercedes Lawry

The Modern Reader’s Cliff Notes to Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë—But Make It Hot by M.M. Kaufmann

Night on Call by Maria Said

Bradley David’s poetry, fiction, essays, and beyond-genre pieces appear in Terrain, Allium, RougarouFatal FlawAlways CrashingAnti-Heroin ChicIdentity Theory, and numerous others. His creative nonfiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

Selected work at On Twitter @strangecamera and Instagram @mystrangecamera

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